
Five reasons why global surveillance of antimicrobial resistance matters to you – WHO’s first GLASS report from local and national perspectives

Meeting Organizer

Public Health Agency of Sweden

WHO Headquarters, Geneva

WHO Collaborating Centre for Antimicrobial Resistance/National Institute for Communicable Disease, South Africa

WHO Collaborating Centre for Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Prevention and Containment/Mahidol University, Thailand

Contact Person : Anette Hulth,

29 January 2018
14:00 - 17:30 hrs.

Open to All Participants


The World Health Organisation (WHO) has developed the Global Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System (GLASS) in accordance with the World Health Assembly Resolution WHA68.7 to support the implementation of the global action plan on AMR. GLASS allows for data collection on AMR and on the implementation status of national AMR surveillance systems. This information is crucial to better understand the extent and impact of AMR on populations and provide the evidence for interventions and advocacy. 59 countries have of December 2017 expressed an interest to join GLASS out of which 49 are completely enrolled. An important milestone in the joint efforts towards combatting AMR involving all Member States will be reached in 2018, as WHO is publishing the first report of the Global Antimicrobial Surveillance System, GLASS. Data have been submitted from Member States to the GLASS platform on progression of implementation of national surveillance structures as well as data on resistance of priority pathogens when available. The next step in the GLASS development is the addition of modules, including surveillance of antimicrobial use. There is a clear need to support low to middle income countries in implementing GLASS. A network of WHO Collaborating Centres to support surveillance of antimicrobial resistance and quality assessment in each WHO region was established in 2016. Work has been initiated within the network on collaboration around activities aiming to enhance harmonisation of country support.


To ensure the upcoming GLASS report’s impact and to inform future data collections, we need to create incentives for participation in GLASS and to contextualise the results to local and national settings. At this half-day side meeting, the WHO Collaborating Centre on AMR Containment (Sweden) together with WHO Headquarters and WHO Collaborating Centres from South Africa and Thailand will present main findings from the first GLASS report and give examples of AMR surveillance in two countries with varying experiences of reporting to GLASS. The WHO AMR Surveillance and Quality Assessment Collaborating Centre Network will also be introduced. The side meeting will be a forum for discussions on what has worked well with the implementation of GLASS, potential improvements as well as obstacles and how to overcome them. The side meeting will consist of presentations, a moderated panel discussion and active participation of the audience. Key messages from the side meeting will be fed into ongoing and future development of the global surveillance system GLASS.